
Thanks for having a look at my site, I’m always happy to get questions from readers, constructive criticism of my blog is also much appreciated, but due to the volume of email I receive, I simply don’t have the time to respond to everyone right away.

However, I do give priority to my email subscribers. Sign up below and contact me.


Sign up now and receive travel tips and resources, tricks for taking perfect photos, and tips on how to start a successful blog and live as a digital nomad.

I will never give away, trade or sell your email address. You can unsubscribe at any time.

I love to hear from people and I’m more than happy to answer any questions people may have. Let me know if you are in the same region as me and think we could meet up or have an opportunity you want me to be involved in. It’s always awesome meeting new people and getting to make friends from all over the world.

I reply to all my emails, normally with 48 hours so don’t hesitate in sending me a message:


And be sure to ‘like’ my Facebook page, where I regularly upload pics from my mobile and check-in wherever I happen to be.

Or say hello on social media!

 Instagram | Twitter | Pinterest | Youtube

Thank You!

– Edy